CATHARINA SOUR one of the «new styles incorporated by the BJCP«.

CATHARINA SOUR one of the «new styles incorporated by the BJCP«.

This style of beer is relatively young dating back to 2015 and which sees its birth in the city of Santa Catarina (Brazil). In this case, it can be said that it is a style created by a handful of local makers who started working on this particular style. Coming today to have their style in the BJCP. It is said that this style comes from the inheritance left by the German settlers who populated these areas of Brazil. When we see a recipe for a Catharina Sour, we can see the similarities it has with the famous beers made in Germany, under the Berliner Weisse style designation. At first, Catharina Sour was considered a 29A style beer (fruity beer) very similar to Florida Weisses. It was also included in the 28C style (wild special beer).

And this is what the BJCP says about this style:


General impression

A light and refreshing wheat beer with clean lactic acidity that is balanced by an addition of fresh fruit. Low bitterness, light-body, moderate alcohol content, and moderately high carbonation allow the flavor and aroma of fruit to be the main focus of the beer. The fruit is often, but not always, tropical.


The fruity character should be immediately noticeable and recognizable at a medium to a high level. Clean lactic acidity should be detectable at a low to medium level, supporting the fruit. Malt is generally absent but may be present at a low level as a supporting character for grain or bread. A clean fermentation character is required. No wild or funky yeast notes, no hop character, no strong alcohol.


The color may vary depending on the fruit used, but it is often quite pale. Clarity can vary from fairly light to cloudy, depending on the age and type of fruit used. Always effervescent. The head is medium to tall with good retention, varying from white to shades of color depending on the fruit used.


The flavor of fresh fruit dominates, at a medium to a high level, with a clean supportive lactic acidity (low to medium-high, but always appreciable). The fruit should have a fresh character and not appear cooked, like jam or artificial. Malt flavor is often absent but can provide a low grain or bread flavor. However, malt should never compete with fruit or acidity. Hop bitterness is very low, below the sensory threshold. Dry finish with a clean, acidic, and fruity aftertaste. It should not have any hop flavor, acetic notes, or diacetyl. The funky flavors to Brettanomyces are inappropriate.


Low to medium-low body. Medium to high carbonation. The warmth from alcohol is inappropriate. The acidity is low to medium-high, without being aggressive or astringent.

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