Irresistible Carbonated Drinks Combined with Fruit Puree

Irresistible Carbonated Drinks Combined with Fruit Puree

Carbonated drinks are an essential aspect of the food industry, dating back over 200 years. Specifically, they date back to the 18th century, when baking soda was first mixed into water to give it a fizzy flavor. However, it wasn't until the late 19th and early 20th centuries that these drinks became widely available and famous.

Since then, they have been popular among customers in the United States and Canada due to their pleasant and refreshing flavor. They're also known for their minimal calorie content. Furthermore, they provide an alternative to alcoholic beverages. This makes them particularly appealing to people who prefer or only drink non-alcoholic beverages.

Production of These Delicious Drinks

Carbonated drinks production involves a series of steps, beginning with the preparation of the base and ending with the final packaging. Initially, the combination consists of water, sugar, and flavorings. After that, we follow a carbonation procedure in which we introduce carbon dioxide to produce the distinctive effervescence.

The mixture is then homogenized to ensure that the ingredients are evenly distributed. At this point, pasteurization is an important stage in this process since it eliminates microorganisms and extends the product's shelf life. Following that, sophisticated machinery fills the bottles and labels them with important information. Finally, the bottles are packed and palletized for distribution and sale.

Application of Fruit Purees in Carbonated Drinks
Fruit purees are ideal for usage in a variety of carbonated drinks, including still and sparkling juices. These purees enhance flavor, color, and texture. Furthermore, drinks containing fruit purees can be a beneficial complement to 

juicing diets, allowing consumers to enjoy healthy refreshments. To add them, follow these three steps:

  • Prepare the fruit puree. Begin by making puree with seasonal fruits. You can choose strawberries, mangoes, pineapples, or any other fruit of your preference.
  • Mix in the concentrate and the extract. In a large jug, mix the fruit puree, juice concentrate, and extract. This enhances the flavor and intensity of the fruit in the drink. You may use any type of extract, including tea extract. After all, benefits of kombucha are numerous.
  • Add carbonated water. Once you finish the mixture, add carbonated water to the pitcher. Stir gently to evenly incorporate all ingredients.

Undoubtedly, adding fruit purees to carbonated drinks creates a more natural and refreshing flavor. It also takes advantage of the nutritional benefits and versatility that fruits offer in the production of these soft drinks. Click here to learn more about the various fruit purees you can add to your drinks.



 Bibliographic references

Asociación de Bebidas Refrescantes ANFABRA. (s.f.). Historia de los refrescos.

Crowder, M. (2023, 14 de agosto). Bebidas carbonatadas: ¿qué es lo que realmente bebes cuando tomas estos burbujeantes refrescos? La Tercera.

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